Week Four – Technical Activity: Quiz Response

I thought I did okay in this week’s quiz. On my first attempt I got a score of 7/10 – which I was quite happy with. I did however have some issues with the questions that I got wrong.

For example, on my first attempt, the following question wrong:


Surely “All of the above” is the most correct response to this question? While it does say in the text (Hicks 2013, pp. 42) that it is ludicrous and unnecessary – it is also redundant, over descriptive and verbose. If we are to pick the most correct answer, I strongly believe it would be “All of the above”.

Another question that I got wrong on my first attempt was:


Again, I chose which I felt was the best option relating to accuracy. The feedback in relation to the question states that writing for brevity should not be so brief as to cause confusion – but in instances such as this, I feel as though you would have expanded further in more sentences if the extra information was important. I disagree with the wording of the initial question in terms of requesting accuracy if the intention was to include all the components of the statement.

In reflection, I seem to have a love/hate relationship with these quizzes. I know from reading other students blogs, many other people feel the same. It is all a learning experience though. On my second attempt I got 100% – so looking forward to next week’s quiz.


Hicks, W 2013, English for journalists, Routledge, London, England.

Week Four – Technical Activity: Quiz Response

Week Four – Inquiry Activity: News Writing and News Releases

In response to this weeks Inquiry activity, I spent some time immersing myself in the text and reviewing the Moodle site to really help guide my understanding of what good news writing is.

Robert Pattinson talks about his new film, The Rover, with Dave O’Neil

To critically analyse this article, I took the major components of ‘Writing News’ from this weeks study guide.

Essential information must come first

The article, while witty and humorous in some respects, fails to deliver the essential information of the story first. Indeed, it could be argued, that the essential information of Robert Pattinson and his new film is almost nowhere to be seen throughout the article. There is very little information regarding the details of the movie or insight into Robert Pattinson’s perspective of the movie; which you would assume the article would be about. Essential information is lacking – and instead the author focused on random details relating to Pattinson’s ex-girlfriend, his present body guard and other actors at the setting of the interview.

The ABC of writing – accuracy, brevity and clarity

The article in many respects also lacks the ABC of writing. Accuracy is seemingly subjective, brevity is strained by the lack of essential information and clarity is reasonably passable in this poorly written article. In terms of writing style, there is a flow to article which I enjoy and respond to – a certain witty moving pace that I can get into. The major issues, at least to me, don’t stem from the writing style but rather from the lack of information masked by attempts to create a punchy and ‘funny’ article.

You are there to report!

This is where the article falls down the most. Rather than choosing to report on Robert Pattinson and the new movie, The Rover, the article focuses on seemingly irrelevant information. The lead intro, for example, doesn’t even mention the movie. The movie title itself doesn’t appear until halfway through the article – and even then, only as a passing comment.

In critically reviewing the article it is hard to make sense of what the author really intended to say or the story he was trying to tell. I do know that Dave O’Neil is a comedian, which brings the whole article into context at least in terms of its writing style. But to me just because he is a comedian, doesn’t mean that he couldn’t have taken a comedic tone in writing about the facts of the film. Instead the article is a mess of random tangents and assumptions.

Drought worst in living memory: AgForce survey

Similarly, in line with the text, the news release demonstrates the clear and impersonal style associated with well written media releases. Whitaker, Ramsey and Smith (2012, pp. 303-304) suggests that good media will; keep it short, use simple language, attribute matters of opinion, write for (but not to) the audience, lead with the news, use passive voice when appropriate and finally, avoid promotionalism. The media release presented by Agforce demonstrates all of the outlined writing qualities, while also providing the all of the basic elements of a media release (pp. 300).

As a response release the example clearly demonstrates a commitment to providing all relevant information pertaining to previous reports, while offering new insight and information. Powerful quotes and local information have been inserted into the release to give perspective of the issue and its direction.

The language used is impersonal, concise and insightful. The tone of the media release gets the message across without asserting an agenda.


AgForce Queensland, 2015, Drought worst in living memory: AgForce survey, AgForce Queensland, 20 May 2015, viewed 2 August 2015, www.agforceqld.org.au/index.php?tgtPage=news&id=view,478

O’Neil, D 2014, ‘Robert Pattinson talks about his new film, The Rover, with Dave O’Neil’, Sydney Morning Herald, 16 June 2014, viewed 2 August 2015, http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/robert-pattinson-talks-about-his-new-film-the-rover-with-dave-oneil-20140619-zs99j.html

Whitaker, WR, Ramsey, JE, & Smith, RD 2012, Mediawriting : print, broadcast, and public relations, Routledge, New York.

Week Four – Inquiry Activity: News Writing and News Releases

Week Four – Practical Activity: Event Planning

Event 1 – Bundaberg Multicultural Festival
Sunday 30th August – 9am to 4pm

Bundaberg Multicultural Festival – Link to Official Website

The Bundaberg Multicultural Festival is held on the last August of every year, presently held at the Riverside Parklands and Quay Street (BRC 2015). The streets come alive with the sounds of music, the smell of international cuisine and the sight of performers from different cultures (BRS 2015).

For this particular event I don’t think that I would need to be accredited to take photographs as it’s a public event, in a public setting, but I plan to investigate further. At the very least, I intend to make contact with event organisers via their website.

At this time it is difficult to identify the main parts of the event. On the website there is no itinerary present. Over the next week, I plan to contact the festival’s organisers via the website to discover where I can find a published schedule and more information.

At the festival I would intend to get quotes from: 1x Organisers, 2x Food Stall owners, 2x Market Stall Owners, 2x Performers, 2x Families

At the festival I would plan to take photos of: Street shots (for atmospheric purposes), Festival signs, Food, Performers, People

Event 2 – The Handmade Expo Market
Sunday, 23 August 2015 – 9:00am to 2:00pm
Sunday, 13 September 2015 – 9:00am to 2:00pm

The Handmade Expo Market – Link to Official Website

The Handmade Expo Market is a local monthly handmade, hand-crafted, home baked, home grown artisans market (BRC, 2015). Showcasing a wide range of beautiful handcrafted products the event presents a unique shopping experience for attendees of all ages (HEM 2015).

I have a feeling that I may need to be accredited (or I think it would be polite) to contact that organisers in regards to taking photographs at this event. There is ample contact information on their website, which I intend to explore further this week.

From my research, there doesn’t appear to be any special events at the markets – rather it’s a culmination of stallholders and an open shopping experience. In this event, it may be difficult to find a ‘story’ based on organisation related events. This is something that I would need to consider carefully before attending.

At the Handmade Expo I would intend to get quotes from: 1x Organisers, 2x Event Assistants, 3x Stallholders, 3x Attendees

Similarly, I would intend to take photos of items from stalls etc.

Video – Why you need a plan

Time Flies: Without effective planning, you may miss out on story opportunities

Schedules: Who, what, when, where – important part of planning!

Accreditation: Contact or approach event organisers to let them know why you are there


Ames, K 2014, ‘Why you need a plan’, Youtube.com, viewed 1 August 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qFGnt42SaM&feature=youtu.be

Bundaberg Region Council (BRC) 2015, What’s on, Bundaberg Regional Events, viewed 2 August 2015, http://bundabergregionevents.com.au/whats-on

Bundaberg Rotary Society (BRS) 2015, Bundaberg Multicultural Festival – About the festival, Bundaberg Multicultural Festival, viewed 2 August 2015, http://bundabergmulticulturalfestival.org.au/About-the-Festival

Handmade Expo Markets (HEM) 2015, About the Handmade Expo Markets, Handmade Expo Markets, viewed 2 August 2015, http://www.thehandmadeexpo.com.au/about-the-handmade-expo.html

Week Four – Practical Activity: Event Planning